About Us
​​We're a family of believers, passionate about our faith and crazy about our community. Our mission? Simple yet profound: exalt God, edify each other, and evangelize the lost. So whether you're a seasoned believer, someone who is seeking the Lord, or just looking for a place to belong, you're more than welcome to join us. Remember, you're always welcome at Victory.
Contact Us
Address: 4532 Rte 9N, Porter Corners, NY
Phone: Church (518)893-7059, Pastor Josh's Cell: (518)681-1803
Email: vbbcpastor@gmail.com
Service Times
Sunday School (For all ages): 10 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship: 11 A.M.
Prayer & Bible Study: 7 P.M.
September Events
September 1 // Lords Supper
September 7 // Monthly Cleaning
September 8 // Victory Sunday
September 13 // Victory Seniors
September 13 // Victory Fest
September 20 // Victory Teens Event
September 22 // Victory Sunday
September 27 // Mens Recharge